Development of Best Cropping Systems Module for Rice based Farming Systems
Four years of cropping systems module experimentation study revealed that, highest system productivity (18.51 t/ha), highest B:C ratio (1: 6.79) and 65.1% yield advantage were realized with Rice-Sweet corn cropping system which was on par with Rice: Marigold cropping system (11.54 t/ha and 1:4.46)when compared to Rice-Rice cropping system (6.46 t/ha system productivity and 1:1.87 B:C ratio) under income enhancement module. Among different cropping system modules under soil health improvement Rice-Blackgram system performed better with system yield of 9.2 t/ha and B:C ratio of 1: 4.68 when compared to rice-rice cropping system (6.46 t/ha and 1: 1.87).

1. Enhancement of Nutrient Use efficiency using Nano-fertilizers
Field experiments with nano fertilizers in rice revealed that application of 100 % RDN + Two foliar spray of Nano-urea (AT and PI) was found to be effective in increasing rice yields (5680 kg/ha), however this treatment found to be on par with RDN (5315 kg/ha). Similarly, during rabi, application of 100 % RDN + Two foliar sprays of Nano-urea (AT and PI) found to be effective in increasing rice yields (5784 kg/ha), however this treatment found to be on par with RDN (5469 kg/ha). Reduction of fertilizer either by 25% and 50% and supplementing through two nano sprays found to be ineffective in maintaining the yields on par with 100% RDN.
2. Residue management in organic rice based cropping systems
Highest grain yield (6398 kg/ha) was recorded with 50% Green manure N + 50% Residue + Pusa decomposer and highest straw yield (9200 kg/ha) was recorded with 100% RDF. During Rabi, 22-23 highest grain yield of 7890 kg/ha with T1 treatment i.e., 100% RDF (7890 Kg/ha) which was on par with 50 % Residue + 50 % GM + decomposing culture (6733 kg/ha).

3. Wet land IFS model in comparison with farmers’ rice-rice cropping system.
Highest net returns of Rs. 75,848/- was realized from IFS unit when compared to farmers practice (Rs. 55,590/-). The B:C ratios of IFS unit was 1:2.55, while farmer practice it was 1:1.91. The wet land IFS model was more remunerative and also meet the family and livestock nutrition besides soil health improvement.

4. Organic products for rice disease management
Foliar spray with cow dung + urine + asafoetida extract @ 10% for 2 times at 15-day interval starting at initiation of disease recorded 54.1% reduction in sheath blight severity in comparison to 75.2% reduction recorded in chemical check. Coconut + buttermilk extract was also found effective in minimizing sheath blight severity (45.3% reduction over untreated control). B: C ratio of 1.2 has been realized in the treatments. This technology is needs on farm testing through DAATTCs.
5. False smut management in rice
Foliar spray of trifloxystrobin + tebuconazole 75WG @ 0.4 g/L at 50% panicle emergence followed by azoxystrobin 23 SC @ 1.0 ml/L at heading (10 days interval) recorded lower false smut incidence (2.9%) and severity (0.7%) in comparison to 32.0% false smut incidence and 1.4% severity in untreated control. Benefit cost ratio of 1.53 (3 seasons) was realized in the treatment in comparison to 1.47 recorded in propiconazole treatment (Chemical check).
6. Evaluation of granular insecticides against pest complex of rice
a. Application of fipronil 0.3 GR @ 25 kg/ha at 20-25 days after transplanting in main field registered the lower per cent silver shoots caused by gall midge (5.52% SS) compared to untreated control plot (11.36%SS).
b. Application of fipronil 0.3 GR @ 25 kg/ha at one week before pulling in nursery followed by application of chlorantraniliprole 0.4 GR @ 10 kg/ha at panicle initiation stage followed by spraying of triflumezopyrim @ 0.48 ml/l on ETL basis (45-60 DAT) is highly effective against stem borer (7.52% white ears) and brown planthopper (10.00 hoppers/hill) and registered the highest grain yield (6457 kg/ha) compared to untreated control (2143 kg/ha).
Screening of elite entries for BPH and gallmidge
Out of 540 ANGRAU entries screened against brown planthopper during kharif, 2023, 62 entries (32 entries recorded “1” score and “30” entries recorded “3” score on 0-9 scale of SES for rice) found promising. Out of 540 ANGRAU entries screened against brown planthopper during rabi, 2023-24, 34 entries found promising.

MTU IJ 206-7-4-1 (BM 71) developed at APRRI and RARS, Maruteru has been identified as resistant donor against brown planthopper consistently under greenhouse and field conditions in multilocational trials across the country. Further, BM 71 possessed two BPH resistant genes (Bph 3 & Bph 6). Therefore, BM 71 could be used as potential donor in rice breeding programmes to develop brown planthopper resistant varieties and recently it has been registered as Genetic Stock with NBPGR, New Delhi in 2023 (Certificate enclosed).
Out of 144 entries of ANGRAU screened against gall midge during kharif, 2023, 31 entries found promising against gall midge.
7. Botanical insecticides for pest management
Botanical-insecticide spray module comprising of azadiractin 10000 ppm @ 2.0 ml/l at 25-30 DAT followed by Neem oil @ 10.0 ml/l at 45-50 DAT and triflumezopyrim 10% SC @ 0.48 ml/l at 60-65 DAT was found effective in reducing damage caused by stem borer and BPH in rice. Further, the botanical-insecticide spray module is at par with insecticides alone module in containing insect pests and recorded the grain yield on par with the insecticides alone spray module.
8. Trap Barrier System (TBS) for controlling rats in rice

TBS has offered 95-100% protection in rice nurseries,74 to 87% tiller damage protection in main field. Maximum animal catch (70%) was recorded from maximum tillering to PI stage of the crop. The performance of 1.75ft height polythene barrier is at par with the 2.5ft ht barrier in a TBS. The low-cost multi-catch mesh trap (Rs. 150/- each) is equally effective as against existing wire mesh wonder trap (Rs. 300/-each). These two interventions have reduced the cost of TBS by 30%
9. Low-cost solar fencing against macaques and wild boar
Low-cost Solar fencing erected around field crops at eight different locations across the zone has offered significant protection (76.3 to 93.6%) against macaques. Low-cost solar fencing costed Rs. 25,000/- only for 6 acres of field and recorded 15-25% additional yield over the non-solar fenced fields with a cost benefit ratio of 1:4, besides giving psychological relief to the practicing farmers.

10. Rodent control in godowns
In food rich environs like storage godowns, application of bromadiolone (0.005%) as liquid bait [Solvent (DMF)+ preservative (SB)+Jaggery] has recorded high intake of the poison with 81.3% control success, whereas the control success was only 56.3% with bromadiolone ready to use bait (RB) and 28.6% with bromadiolone concentrated bait (CB).
11. Development of Artificial Intelligence based Forewarning Models for insect pests of Rice
A. The Hybrid or two-stage model i.e. Negative Binomial INGARCH- Extreme Learning Model (NBINGARCHX-ELM) was identified as the most suitable model for forecasting BPH, GM and LF in both kharif and rabi seasons
B. The artificial neural networks (ANNX) model was identified as the most suitable Machine Learning model for forecasting YSB during kharif season.
C. Hybrid Negative Binomial INGARCH-ANN (NBINGARCHX-ANN) Model was identified as the most suitable for forecasting the YSB during rabi season.