S. No | Title of Publication | NAAS Rating |
1. | Aleena D, Divya Balakrishnan, Santosh Rathod, Rao P V R, Lakshminarayana R Vemireddy, Neeraja C N, Vanisri S, Ranjith K N, Sundaram R M and Jyothi Badri 2023. Multi-environment testing revealed the effect of yield genes on the grain yield stability in diverse rice germplasm. Cereal Research Communications. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42976-023-00446-7- Scopus | 7.24 |
2. | Ravi Teja, S., Venkata Ramana Rao, P., Veronica, N., Sudhir Kumar, I and Vani Praveena, M. 2024. Unlocking the potential of rice for thermotolerance using simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker-based assessment of genetic variability and population structure. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-024-02022-2 | 8.00 |
3. | Harsha Vardhan Rayudu Jamedar, Prasad Gandham, Prasad Bajaj, Srinivas Thati, Srinivasa Rao, V., Rajeev, Varshney, K and Rachit K. Saxena. 2024. Identification of superior haplotypes for seed protein content in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13562-024-00884-2. | 7.9 |
4. | Anand Kumar, A.D.V.S.L.P., Satish, Y., Anusha, B., Srinivasa Rao, N and Srinivas, T. 2023. Screening of germplasm for brown plant hopper [(Nilaparvata lugens (Stal)] resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The Pharma Innovation Journal. 12(12): 3236-3238. | 5.23 |
5 | Anny Mrudhula, K., Krishna Veni, B., Suneetha, Y., Sunil Kumar, M and Naik, B.S.S.S. 2023. Effect of nutrient management on growth, yield and quality parameters of black rice. Ecology, Environment and Conservation Journal. 29: S181-S186. Doi No.: http://doi.org/10.53550/EEC.2023.V29I05s.032. | 5.41 |
6 | Anny Mrudhula, K., Krishna Veni, B., Suneetha, Y., Sunil Kumar, M and Naik, B.S.S.S. 2023. Improvement of rice grain zinc concentration through biofortification of zinc. Ecology, Environment and Conservation Journal. 29: S187-S194. Doi No.: http://doi.org/10.53550/EEC.2023.V29I05s.032. | 5.41 |
7 | Benvvdn Raju, Sreenivas, Ch., Usha Rani, I., Kadiyala M.D.M and Sridhar, T.V. Long Term Effect of Organic and Inorganic Manures on Rice Productivity and Major Nutrient Dynamics in 33 years old rice-rice cropping system of Godavari Delta. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change. 15 | 5.13 |
8 | Bhargavi, B., Suneetha, Y., Aravind Kumar, J and Srinivas, T. 2023. Genetic divergence studies for yield and quality traits in high protein landraces of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Science Today. 10(2): 195-204, https://doi.org/10.14719/pst.209. | 5.44 |
910 | Chaitanya, P., Madhumathi, T., Chiranjeevi, Ch., Krishnam Raju, S., Sreenivasulu, K.N. and Srinivas, T. 2023. Bio-efficacy of novel insecticides against pulse beetle Callosobruchus maculates (Fab.). Pesticide Research Journal. 35(2): 178-185. | 5.49 |
11 | Charumathi, M and Suman Parre. 2023. Assessment of Genetic Variability and Association Studies Among Elite Cultivars of Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L). International Journal Biological Forum. 15(10). | 5.11 |
12 | Chinni, D., Srinivasa Rao, V., Ravi Kumar, K.N., Sunil Kumar, M., Suneetha, Y and Sreenivasulu, K.N. 2023. An analysis on farmers preference for rice varietal traits in Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics. SP-8(3): 185-188. | 5.12 |
13 | Duppala Manoj Kumar, Srinivas, T., Subba Rao, L.V., Suneetha, Y., Sundaram, R.M., Prasanna Kumari, V., Bhuvaneswari, V and Ganesh, B. 2023. Screening of recombinant inbred lines for resistance to bacterial leaf blight pathotypes in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Science Today. 10(3): 343-353, https://doi.org/10.14719/pst.2330. | 5.44 |
14 | Duppala, M.K., Srinivas, T., Suneetha, Y and Suresh G. 2023. Generation mean analysis for quantitative traits in the population of AKDRMS 21-54 x YH3 cross of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Envirommental Biology. 44: 826-832. | 5.57 |
15 | Geetha Devi, G., Padmavathi, G., Jhansi Lakshmi, V., Roja, V., Suneetha, Y and Srinivasa Rao, V. 2023. Parental polymorphic survey for white backed plant hopper resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The Pharma Innovation Journal. 12(5): 4466-4469. | 5.23 |
16 | Girija Rani, M., Satyanarayana, P.V., Venkata Ramana Rao, P., Suryanarayana, Y., Singh, N.K., Kondayya, K., Kasturi, T., Ravi Kumar, B.N.V.S.R., Chamundeswari, N., Srinivas, T and Suneetha, Y. 2024. Marker assisted breeding of sub1 introgressed rice (Oryza sativa L.) lines and identification of stable variety MTU 1232 suitable for flood prone ecosystem. Plant Science Today. https://doi.org/10.14179/pst.2801 | 5.44 |
17 | Govardhan Rao, V., Chalapathi Rao, N.B.V., Sreenivas, Ch., Neeraja, B., Kireeti, A., Koteswarao, G., Bhagavan, B.V.K. and Srinivasulu, B. 2023. Abiotic Stress as a Potential Contributing Factor to Onset and Severity of Infection Caused By Lasiodiplodia Theobrome an Opportunistic Fungal Pathogen In Coconut. Pollution Research. 42(2): 261-268. | 5.10 |
18 | Harsha Vardha Rayudu Jamedhar, Srinivas Thati, Rajeev K Varshney, Rachit K saxena and V Srinivasa Rao. 2023. Study of genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in pigeonpea parental line (Cajanus cajan L.). The Pharma Innovation. 12(6): 3809-3814. | 5.23 |
19 | Kumar, G.S., Kumar, B.N.V.S.R.R., Lakshmi, B.V., Kishore, M.N., Rao, P.V.R., Singareddy, V and Srinivas, T. 2023. Identification of Novel QTLs for BPH Tolerance in Rice Using Resistant Donor BM 71. Plant Science Today (Early Access). https://doi.org/10.14719/ pst.2150- Scopus. | 5.44 |
20 | Pranaya, J., Roja, V., Girija Rani, M., Venkata Ramana Rao, P., Ramesh, D and Jyothsna, B. 2024. Evaluation of germplasm for reproductive stage salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). International Journal of Environment and Climate Change. 14(3): 465-478. | 5.16 |
21 | Pranaya, J., Roja, V., Venkata Ramana Rao, P., Girija Rani, M and Ramesh, D. 2024. Evaluation of germplasm for seedling stage salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). International Journal of Plant and Soil Science. 36(5): 73-81 | 5.07 |
22 | Ratnam, T.V., Ravi Kumar, B.N.V.S.R., Subba Rao, L.V., Srinivas, T., Anand Kumar, A.D.V.S.L.P and Suneetha, Y. 2023. Genetic analysis of zinc rice landraces for yield, quality and nutritional traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Environmental Biology. 44: 840-854. | 5.57 |
23 | Sachin, N., Sandhya Rani, C., Rama Rao, C.V., Ramabhadra Raju, M and Sandeep, D. 2023. Study on impact of sowing dates on rice leaf folder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Gunenee) in direct seed rice. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change. 13(10): 1936-1944. | 5.13 |
24 | Satyanarayana, P.V., Madhu Kumar, K., Uady Babu, P., Srinivas, T and Manoj Kumar, D. 2023. Association Studies for identifying the selection criteria among early varieties of rice in North Coastal zone of Andhra Pradesh. Biological Forum – An International Journal. 15. | 5.11 |
25 | Siva Reddy, K.V., Srinivas, T., Nagendra Rao, K., Bindu Madhavi, G and Srinivasa Rao, V. 2023. Estimates of PCV, GCV and heritability studies for yield components and nutritional traits in blackgram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper. Biological Forum-An International Journal | 5.11 |
26 | Swathi Rekha, N., Srinivasan, S., Srinivas, T., Gopalakrishnan and Srinivasa Rao, V. 2023. Correlation, path and principal component analysis of few agronomical traits in few elite lines of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). The Pharma Innovation. 12(6): 4499-4502. | 5.23 |
27 | Vani Praveena, M., Venkata Ramana Rao, P., Jyothi Badri, Sreenivas, Ch and Ramesh, D. 2023. Studies on path coefficient analysis and variability parameters for seedling stage salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.).The Pharma Innovation Journal. 12(5): 4660-4664. | 5.23 |
28 | Venkata Ratnam, T., Ravi Kumar, B.N.V.S.R., Subba Rao, L.V., Srinivas, T and Anand Kumar, A.D.V.S.L.P. 2024. Assessment of genetic variability, character association and path analysis for yield and quality traits in Zinc and Iron rich landraces of rice. Agricultural Science Digest. 44(2): 289-294. | 5.52 |
29 | Venkata Ratnam, T., Ravi Kumar, B.N.V.S.R., Subba Rao, L.V., Srinivas, T and Anand Kumar, A.D.V.S.L.P. 2023. Principal component analysis of yield and quality traits in Zinc rich landraces of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding. 13(4): 1162-1169. | 5.14 |
30 | Venkata viswateja, B., Srinivasa Rao, V., Dhandapani, A., Raghunadha Reddy, G., Ramesh, D and Anand Kumar, A.D.V.S.L.P. 2023. Modelling of leaf folder populations (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis) in Paddy: A count time series approach. International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics. 8(4): 257-261 | 5.12 |
31 | Veronica, N., Venkata Ramana Rao, P and Vani Praveena, M. 2023. Phenotyping of elite genotypes for seedling stage salinity tolerance in rice. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 12(9): 2717-2722. | 5.23 |
32 | Anand Kumar, A.D.V.S.L.P., Nanda Kishore, M., Bhuvaneswari, V., Srinivasa Rao, N., Anusha, B and Jogi Naidu, G. 2023. Studies on compatibility of insecticides and fungicides against brown plant hopper and blast in rice. Journal of Rice Research. 16(2): 108-113. | 4.05 |
33 | Charumathi, M., Girija Rani, M., Suneetha, Y., Satish, Y., Ramana Rao, P.V., Ravi Kumar, B.N.V.S.R and Srinivas, T. 2024. Development of High Yielding Deep water Rice Variety MTU-1184 Suitable for Stagnant Flooding Situation. Journal of Rice research, 17(1): 73-78. | 4.35 |
34 | Dungu Vasudeva Reddy, Suneetha, Y., Ravi Kumar B.N.V.S.R., Ramesh, D., Srinivas, T and Manoj Kumar D. 2023. Combining ability studies of promising restorer lines for yield and yield components in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Agricultural Science Digest. 10.18805/ag. D-5874: 1-7. | 4.75 |
35 | Duppala Manoj Kumar, Srinivas, T., Subba Rao, L.V., Suneetha, Y., Sundaram, R.M., Prasanna Kumari, V and Venkata Ratnam, T. 2023. Generation mean analysis for yield and yield component traits in inter-specific cross of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Agricultural Science Digest. doi:10.18805/ag. D-5722. | 4.75 |
36 | Krishnaji, M.V and Gopikrishna, T. 2023. Relationship between profile characteristics of televiewing farmers and effectiveness of farm broadcast programmes in Andhra Pradesh state of India. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology. 41(10): 405 – 415. | 4.86 |
37 | Krishnaji, M.V., Pradeepkumar, P.B., Anantavihari, M., Tejeswararao, K and Lakshmana, K. 2023. A study on perception and adoption of soil health cards (SHCs) by the farmers in coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. Frontiers in Crop Improvement Journal. 11 (Special Issue-II): 999 – 1001. | 4.67 |
38 | Manoj Kumar Duppala, Srinivas, T., Subba Rao, L. V., Suneetha, Y., Sundaram, R.M., Prasanna Kumari, V and Venkata Ratnam, T. 2023. Generation mean analysis for yield and yield component traits in inter-specific cross of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Agricultural Science Digest (Accepted). | 4.75 |
39 | MukundaRao, Ch., Rao, P.S., Charumathi, M., Adilaxmi, D., Chitkaladevi, T., Bharathalakshmi, M and JagannadhaRao, P.V.K. 2024. Sugarcane Clones Suitable for Waterlogged conditions of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Biological Forum. 2249-3239. | 4.96 |
40 | Ramya Sri, V., Srinivasa Rao, N., Dhurua, S and Govinda Rao, S. 2024. Impact of soil physical and physicochemical properties on burrow architecture of lesser bandicoot rat Bandicota bengalensis in rice. Journal of Experimental Zoology India. 27: 1043-1047 | 4.78 |
41 | Veronica, N and Rao, P.V.R. 2023. Impact of lowlight stress on physiological characters, yield and yield attributes of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Agricultural Science Digest. https:// doi.org/10.18805/ag. D-5788- Scopus | 4.75 |
42 | Veronica, N., Srinivas, T., Venkata Ramana Rao, P and Vani Praveena, M. 2023. Evaluation for Multiple Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Rice (Oryza Sativa) Genotypes. Journal of Rice Research. 16(2): 73-80 | 4.05 |
43 | Anusha, B., Sandhya Rani, C., Nanda Kishore, M., Bhuvaneswari, V., Srinivasa Rao, V and Ramana Rao, P.V. 2023. Screening of rice genotypes for their reaction to resistance against brown plant hopper Nilaparvatha lugens (Stal.). The Andhra Agricultural Journal. 70(3): 387-391. | 3.61 |
44 | Bharali, V., Jukantis, A.K., Suneetha, Y., Fiyaz, A., Srinivasa Rao V and Srinivas, T. 2023. Genetic variability and trait association studies in F2 population cross BPT 5204 x JAK-686-1 in rice rice (Oryza sativa L.). The Andhra Agricultural Journal. 70(3): 316-323. | 3.61 |
45 | Dungu Vasudeva Reddy, Suneetha, Y., Ravi Kumar B.N.V.S.R and Ramesh, D. 2023. Evaluation of experimental hybrids for yield and yield component traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) The Andhra Agricultural Journal. 70(1): 050-061. | 3.61 |
46 | Kumbha Divya Sravanthi, Venkata Ramana, J., Lal Ahamed, M., Satish, Y., Manmode Darpan Mohanrao, Satish Kumar, R., Santha Lakshmi Prasad, M and Senthilvel, S. 2023. Mapping of genomic region linked to Fusarium wilt resistance in AP-42 inbred line of castor (Ricinus communis L.). The Andhra Agric. J 70 (4): 424-428 | 3.61 |
47 | Krishnaji M.V., Pradeep Kumar P.B., Ananta Vihari M., Tejeswara Rao K. and Lakshmana Kella. 2023. A Study on Perception and Adoption of Soil Health Cards (SHCs) by the farmers in Coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh. Frontiers in Crop Improvement, 2023 & 11 (2): 999-1001. | 4.67 |
48 | Krishnaji M.V Gopikrishna T.2023. Relationship between Profile characteristics of Televiewing Farmers and Effectiveness of Farm Broadcast Programmes in Andhra Pradesh state of India. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology, 2023. 41 (10): 405 – 415 | 4.86 |
Srinivas T, Sreenivas Ch and Bharathalakshmi M. 2024. AICRIP on Rice- ANGRAU, Research Accomplishments and Future Outlook. Regional Agricultural Research Station, Maruteru- 534 122, Andhra Pradesh, India. Technical Book. No. 1/2024, pp. 64
c. Book Chapter
Vellingiri, Geethalakshmi, Lakshmanan Arunachalam, Gowtham Ramasamy, Bhuvaneswari Kulanthaivel, Ramaraj Ammapet Palanisamy, Manikandan Narayanaswamy, Sonali McDermid, Swamikannu Nedumaran, Dakshina Murthy Kadiyala, and Roberto O. Valdivia. 2023.”Assessment of Impacts of Climate Change on the Maize–Rice Farming System in Trichy District, Tamil Nadu, India.” In Handbook of Climate Change and Agroecosystems: Climate Change and Farming System Planning in Africa and South Asia: AgMIP Stakeholder-driven Research, Part 2, pp. 357-393.
Nedumaran, Swamikannu, Dakshina Murthy Kadiyala, P. Jyosthnaa, Roberto O. Valdivia, Sonali McDermid, Srinivasa Reddy Srigiri, Geethalakshmi Vellingiri, and Anthony Whitbread. 2023.”Regional Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on the Rainfed Farming System in Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India.” In Handbook of Climate Change and Agroecosystems: Climate Change and Farming System Planning in Africa and South Asia: AgMIP Stakeholder-driven Research, Part 2, pp. 395-445.
Sreenivas Ch. 2023. Water quality standards and management strategies under organic production systems in short course on “Organic Farming/Natural Farming – Principles and Practices” under NAHEP-IDP, ANGRAU at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Anakapalle from 15.11.2023 to 24.11.2023
Krishnaji, M.V. and Krishna, T.G. 2023. A Construction and Administration of Attitude Scale for Measuring the Effectiveness of Farm Broadcast Programmes in Andhra Pradesh State of India. In: Advances and Challenges in Science and Technology, B P International, 7: 122-147.
M. Venkata Krishnaji, T. Gopi Krishna. 2023. A construction and Administration of Attitude scale for measuring the effectiveness of farm broadcast. programmes in Andhra Pradesh state of India. Advances and Challenges in Science and Technology . Print ISBN: 978 – 81 – 19761 – 28 – 9, e Book ISBN: 978 – 81 – 19761 – 98 – 2
Title of the Technical Bulletin | Type of the material (L/F/BL/B) | Authors | Purpose |
Maruteru nundi vidudalaina noothana vari rakamulu | Booklet | Y. Sunitha, M. Charumathi, J. Dayal Prasad Babu, P.V.Ramana Rao, Krishnaji and T.Srinivas | To disseminate the information of latest released paddy varieties |
Varini aasinchu mukyamaina purugulu mariyu tegullu’ | Booklet | A Anand Kumar, V Bhuvaneswari, N. Srinivasa Rao, T. Srinivas and D. Srinivas | for distribution to farmers and DOA officials in ZREAC |
Godavari mandalam lo Choudu Nelala Yajamanyam | Folder | Ch. Srinivasa Rao, M.Srinivasa Rao, P.V. Ramana Rao, M.V.Krishnaji and T.Srinivas | For distribution to farmers and Extension officers |