1.Name     :Dr. N. Veronica
Designation : Scientist
Department :Plant Physiology
Email-I.D    :
Phone No  :+91 8985059378
Area of Specialization: Abiotic Stress Physiology in Rice
Profile URL:


Department of Plant Physiology at RARS, Maruteru works in rice based cropping system of Godavari Zone on the following aspects:

  • Evaluation of rice varieties for seed dormancy and to suggest strongly dormant varieties for the wet monsoon season.
  • Characterization of rice varieties under irrigated ecosystem for identification of efficient plant types and hybrid rice.
  • Characterization of rice varieties for their thermo and photo sensitivity
  • Studies on impact of climate change and identification of varieties tolerant to abiotic stresses


  • Breaking of rice seed dormancy: Methods to break Rice seed dormancy were developed and recommended to the farmers. The technique of Nitric acid treatment for breaking seed dormancy is widely accepted and followed by farmers. The technique involves soaking the seed in 0.63 % Nitric acid solution for 24 hours.
  • Involved in “National Methane gas campaign” and contributed significantly in quantifying the Methane gas emission in low land rice fields of Godavari delta, through ICAR – AP Cess Fund project entitled “Methane Emission in Rice based cropping system”.
  • Identification of donors for various ecological / stress situations like Moisture stress, Water logging, Low light intensity, Seed dormancy, High density grain, Grain shattering etc., so as enable Breeders for utilizing in hybridization programme.
  • Evaluation of rice varieties under natural moisture stress condition has lead to the identification and release of MTU 9993 and MaruteruSannalu (MTU 1006) for rain-fed rice ecosystem.


  • N Veronica, V Padma, D Subrahmanyam and G Jayasree. 2015. Influence of phosphorus supply on morpho-physiological characters in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 6(5): 1015-1018.
  • Veronica N, Padma V, Subrahmanyam D and Jayasree G. 2016a. Impact of graded phosphorus levels on various morpho-agronomical and phosphorus related enzymes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes. Progressive Research – An International Journal, 11(4) 2429-2433.
  • N. Veronica, V. Padma, D. Subrahmanyam, G. Jayasree, P. R. Rao and S. R. Voleti. 2016b. Effect of graded phosphorus levels on yield and yield attributes of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes differing in phosphorus use efficiency. Progressive Research – An International Journal, 11(4) 2434-2436.
  • N. Veronica, Y. Asoka Rani, D. Subrahmanyam, K. L. Narasimha Rao, M. Lal Ahamad and P. Prasuna rani. 2016. Physiological and biochemical responses in rice (Oryza sativa L.) to high temperature : A review. Research on Crops. 17 (1): 21-30.
  • N Veronica, D Subrahmanyam, T Vishnu Kiran, P Yugandhar, V P Bhadana, V Padma, G Jayasree and S.R. Voleti. 2017. Influence of low phosphorus concentration on leaf photosynthetic characteristics and antioxidant response of rice genotypes. Photosynthetica 55(2): 285-293.
  • N Veronica,Y Ashoka Rani, D Subrahmanyam, K L N Rao, M Lal Ahamad and P Prasuna Rani. 2018. Effect of Water Stress and Heat Stress on Crop Phenology, Yield and Yield Attributes of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.). The Andhra Agric. J. 65 (3): 615-620.
  • N. Veronica, Y. Ashoka Rani, D. Subrahmanyam, K. L. N. Rao, M. Lal Ahamad, P. Prasuna Rani, P. Yugandhar and S. R. Voleti. 2019. Screening of Rice Germplasm with Physiological Traits for Identification of Heat Tolerant Genotypes. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management. 10(5):472-480.
  • Veronica N, Ashoka Rani Y, Subrahmanyam D, Narasimha Rao KL, Lal Ahamad M, Prasuna Rani P and Yugandhar P. 2019. Evaluation of stress indices for screening of rice cultivars for high temperature tolerance. Oryza. 56 (4), 341-351.
  • B Sai Mohan, N Chamundeswari, T Haritha and N Veronica (2019). Screening of F2:3 Mapping Population of Swarna Sub1 / AC39416A for Anaerobic Germination in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.). The Andhra Agric. J 66 (4): 623-627.
  • N. Veronica,T Sujatha and P V Ramana Rao. 2021. Identification of stress indices for screening of rice cultivars under high temperature. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 17(1):266-272
  • Veronica N, Sujatha T and  Ramana Rao P V. 2022. Physiological characterization for abiotic stress tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa) genotypes. Crop Research. 57 (5 &6): 285-291.
  • Veronica N, Ramana Rao P and Ravi Kumar BNVSR. 2022. Physiological characterization of rice (Oryza sativa L) genotypes. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 11(11): 201-203
  • S Ravi Teja, P Venkata Ramana Rao, N Veronica and I Sudhir Kumar. 2022. Correlation Studies Between Yield Attributes and Physiological Traits in Rice under Heat Stress. The Andhra Agric. J. 69 (1): 41-45.
  • Veronica N, Venkata Ramana Rao P and VaniPraveena M. 2023. Phenotyping of elite genotypes for seedling stage salinity tolerance in rice. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 12(9): 2717-2722.
  • Veronica N, Srinivas T, Venkata Ramana Rao P and VaniPraveena M. 2023. Evaluation for Multiple Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Rice (Oryza Sativa) Genotypes. Journal of Rice Research. 16 (2): 73-80
  • N. Veronica, P. Venkata Ramana Rao. 2023. Impact of Low Light Stress on Physiological Characters, Yield and Yield Attributes of Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Agricultural Science Digest.
  • Ravi TejaSeelam, Venkata Ramana RaoPuram, Veronica Nallamothu, SudhirKumarInjeti, VaniPraveenaMadhunapantula. 2024. Unlocking the potential of rice for thermotolerance using simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker‑based assessment of genetic variability and population structure. Genet Resour Crop Evol.