S.NoPhotoEmployee Details
  1.Name            :Dr. N. Mallikarjuna Rao Designation :Programme Coordinator & Head Department: Entomolgy (PS) Email-I.D      : n.mallikarjunarao@angrau.ac.in Phone No     :9989623823 Area of Specialization: Evaluation of insecticides in rice, Screening of rice germplasm against insect pets and beekeeping.
2.Name             : Dr. N. Debora Messiana
Designation   : Principal Scientist

Department   : Community Science
Email-I.D       : deborahmessiana@angrau.ac.in
Phone No       : 9440704705
5.Name            :Sri. A. Srinivasa Rao
Designation  :Senior Scientist

Department :Fishery Science (Sci.)
Email-I.D    : srinivasfish@angrau.ac.in
Phone No     :9490921539 9440711660
7.Name             :Smt. R. Bindu Praveena
Designation   : Scientist

Department   : Horticulture
Email-I.D       : r.bindupraveena@angrau.ac.in
Phone No       : 7013838803


The Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Undi, West Godavari District was sanctioned by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi and was established on 9th November 1995 under the administrative control of Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University, Lam, Guntur. The Krishi Vigyan Kendra is 100 % funded by ICAR, GOI, New Delhi with a mandatory requirement of 50 acres of instructional farm for conducting on – farm research, front line demonstrations, production of seed & other planting material and establishment of infrastructural facilities. The purpose of establishing KVK at West Godavari district is cater the information and service needs of farmers.

The Krishi Vigyan Kendra is situated at Undi village of Undi Mandal which is 52 KM away from Eluru (Headquarter of West Godavari District). The District is located in Krishna Godavari Agro Climatic Zone of Andhra Pradesh. The West Godavari lies between 16o – 15o and 17o 30 of northern latitude and 80o – 55o of eastern longitude. The geographical area of the district is 7,780 Sq. Km. The district has four revenue divisions namely Eluru, Kovvuru ,Narsapur and Jangareddygudem.

WEST GODAVARI DISTRICT is Pioneering district in Andhra Pradesh in adopting latest trends in Agriculture, in achieving higher production and productivity. It is treated as Rice Bowl of Andhra Pradesh. The number of cultivators in the district are 2.5 lakhs. The type of soils of the district are grouped as Red, sandy, clay loams, alluvial sandy loams, deltaic alluvial, coastal sandy loams, heavy clays and saline soils. The district annual normal rainfall is 1050 mm. The principal crops grown in the district are:

  • Paddy, sugarcane, cotton, Groundnut, Maize, Jowar, Pulses (Green gram, Blackgram, Redgram and Horsegram), Chillies, Tobacco.
  • Horticultural crops like Turmeric, vegetables and fruit crops like Mango, Coconut, Banana, Orange, Lemon and oilpalm.

The main cropping pattern followed in the district is

  • Rice-rice-pulses
  • Rice-sugarcane
  • Rice-groundnut
  • Pulses-groundnut
  • Pulses-tobacco
  • Rice- prawn/ fish alternate culture
  • Fish culture / prawn culture.

Infrastructure facilities available at KVK :

  • Administrative cum Training Building consisting of Office, Training hall, Soil and water testing lab, Agriculture information centre.
  • Farmers Hostel for organizing on campus training programmes
  • Staff quarters – 2 Scientists quarters completed yet to be occupied 4 quarters not completed


KVK, Undi is mainly concentrating its activities in 23 Delta mandals of West Godavari District covering Narsapur, Kovvuru and Eluru Divisions.



  • OFT on assessment of chemical weed management in Maize.
  • FLD on submergence tolerant Paddy variety MTU 1172 (Ksheera)
  • FLD on foliar application of micronutrients in Cotton
  • CFLD in Sesamum


  • OFT on Evaluation of ecological engineering methods Plant hopper management in Paddy
  • OFT on assuagement of fungicides for management of stem rot in Paddy
  • FLD on Fall Army Worm management practices in Maize
  • FLD on Rugos Spiraling Whitefly management in Coconut


  • CFLD in Black gram during Kharif , 2021
  • CFLD in Green gram during Kharif , 2021
  • CFLD in Green gram during Rabi, 2021 – 22
  • CFLD in Black gram during Rabi , 2021 – 22


1.NICRA (National Innovations climate Resilient Agriculture):

Floods and cyclonic storms are the major climatic constraints in the Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh with a mean annual rainfall of 1077 mm. Rice is the major crop in the district and most of it gets affected by heavy rains during August to September months. The major problems in the NICRA village are mainly poor drainage facility, heavy rains and floods, shortage of labour, increased cost of cultivation, late reach of canal water due to tail end area.

a)Technology demonstrations under NICRA

To address the concerned associates with climate change though enhancing the resilience of production systems and adoptive capacitive of farmers, extensive demonstrations of locations specific best practices were organized. The project is implemented in these districts by respective Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) located in the district.


  • To enhance the resilience of Indian agriculture covering crops, livestock and fisheries to climate variability and climate change through development and application of improved production and risk management technologies.
  • To demonstrate site specific technology packages on farmer’s fields for adapting to current climate risks.
  • To enhance the capacity of scientists and other stakeholders in climate resilient agricultural research and its application.

Module 1: Natural Resource management:

This module consists of inventions related to soil fertility management, in-situ moisture conservation, water harvesting and recycling for supplemental irrigation, improved drainage in flood prone areas, conservation tillage where appropriate, artificial ground water recharge and water saving irrigation methods

Module 2: Crop Production:

This module consists of introducing drought / temperature tolerant varieties, advancement of planting dates Rabi crops in areas with terminal heat stress, water saving paddy cultivation methods (Direct seeding, Aerobic, SRI), community nursery for delayed monsoon, location specific inter cropping system with high sustainable yield index, diversification with resilient crops.

Module 3: Live stock and Fisheries:

This module consist of use of community lands for fodder production during droughts / floods, demonstration of improved fodder varieties / crops, improved fodder/ feed storage methods, nutrition management in live stock, improved shelters for reducing heat stress in live stock, management of fish ponds during water scarcity and excess water etc.

Module 4: Institutional interventions:

This module consists of institutional interventions either by strengthen existing once or initiating new once relating to seed bank, fodder bank, custom hiring center, collective marketing and introduction of whether index based insurance and climate literacy through a village level whether stations.

2. Basic resources of NICRA villages

Details of various NICRA centers of Andhra Pradesh:

DistrictName of the NICRA villageActual rainfall mm 2018Soil typeMajor climate vulnerability
West GodavariMastyapuri village of Veeravasaram1110.60Alluvial soilsFloods