The District Agricultural Advisory and Transfer of Technology Centres (DAATTC) were established in the State of Andhra Pradesh by Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University in every district with objective of transferring farm related improved technologies to the farmers. The DAATTC, peddapuram was established in the year 1998 and located at Agricultural Research Station Premises, Peddapuram, East Godavari district.Objectives / Mandate:Assess and refine the technology developed by the research scientists and their suitability to different farming situations.Assess the potentials of the district by developing database in order to exploit district resources, develop action plan in cooperation with line departments.Conduct field diagnostic visits to identify the field problems and provide scientific solutions.Organise Kisan Melas in coordination with line departments.Extend the scientific expertise to the line departments in conduct of training programmes to officials, farmers and input agencies.Organize T&V bi-monthly work shops.Establish linkages with research institutes and other district units located in A.P.Assist and implement the RAWE Programme, internship programme for Agriculture, Veterinary and Home Science students under ANGRAU respectively.Maintain information centre at each district head quarter in cooperation with the line departments in the district.Supply need based scientific/popular information to the line departments for their printing, multiplication and distribution to the farmers.Coordinate with All India Radio, Television and print media for transmission of needed agricultural information in the district.· Implement any other extension programme that may be taken up by the University from time to time in coordination with line departments. |
Minikits, 2020-21
Total of 11 (Paddy: 10, Ragi: 01) minikits in Kharif, 2020 and 14 minikits (Paddy: 05, Blackgram: 05, Greengram: 02, Sesamum: 02) in Rabi, 2020-21 were tested
Kharif , 2020 | Rabi, 2020-21 |
Paddy 1.Testing of Paddy minikit MTU 1271 2.Testing of Paddy minikit MTU 1318 3.Testing of Paddy minikit BPT 2841 4.Testing of Paddy minikit BPT 2766 5.Testing of Paddy minikit BPT 2846 6.Testing of Paddy minikit MCM 109 7.Testing of Paddy minikit MTU 1253 8.Testing of Paddy minikit MTU 1238 9.Testing of Paddy minikit MTU 1232 10.Testing of Paddy minikit MTU 1315 Ragi 11. Testing of Ragi minikit VR 1099 | Paddy 1. Testing of Paddy minikit MTU 1290 2. Testing of Paddy minikit MTU 1282 3. Testing of Paddy minikit MTU 1311 4. Testing of Paddy minikit MTU 1341 5. Testing of Paddy minikit NLR 3238 Black gram 1. Testing of Blackgram minikit LBG 904 2. Testing of Blackgram minikit LBG 884 3. Testing of Blackgram minikit LBG 932 4. Testing of Blackgram minikit GBG 45 5. Testing of Blackgram minikit TBG 129 Green gram 1. Testing of Greengram minikit LGG 630 2. Testing of Greengram minikit LGG 607 Sesamum 1. Testing of sesamum minikit YLM 146 2. Testing of sesamum minikit YLM 142 |
On Farm Trials, 2020-21:
Kharif , 2020 | Rabi, 2020-21 |
1. Assessment of new insecticide and fungicide combination against BPH and sheath blight in rice. | 1. Assessment of new insecticide and fungicide combination against BPH and blast in rice. |
2 Assessment of Ecological Engineering for Planthopper Management (EEPM). | 2. Assessment of Ecological Engineering for Planthopper Management (EEPM). |
3. Assessment of Trap Barrier System (TBS) against rodents in irrigated rice | 3. Crop residue management in machine harvested paddy by insitu decomposition of paddy straw using decomposing culture |
4. Assessment of new herbicides in transplanted rice | 4. Assessment of new herbicides in direct sown rice. |
5. Assessment of rice cultivation under organic and inorganic approaches. | 5. Assessment of management module against Fall Armyworm |
6. Assessment of IPM module for pink bollworm in cotton |
Year | Authors | Title | Name ofjournal | Volumeand pg no. | NAASrating |
2018 | K. Anil Kumar, A.S.R. Sarma, T. Madhumati and P. Prasanna Kumari | Study on Efficacy of Pesticide Mixtures as foliar sprays for the management of rice leaffolder (c. medinalis) and leaf blast (P. oryzae) on paddy | Int. J. Curr. Microbiology and Appl. Sci . | 7 (11): 2163-2175 | 5.38 |
2018 | D. Lakshmi Kalyani, A. S. R. Sarma, and Y. Rama Reddy | Sequential application of Herbicides for control of weeds in rainfed Bt cotton | Ind. J. Weed Sci. | 50(4): 377-381 | 5.17 |
2019 | A. S. R. Sarma , D. Lakshmi Kalyani, Y. Rama Reddy and B. Gopal Reddy | Seasonal dynamics of insect pests of cotton in Scarce Rainfall Zone of Andhra Pradesh | Journal of Cotton Research and development | 34 (1) Accepted for publication | 4.69 |
2019 | M. Lakshmanna, A. S. R. Sarma, K.V. Hari Prasad and K. Viswanath | Management of cotton leafhopper with new insecticides | Journal of Cotton Research and development | 34 (1) Accepted for publication | 4.69 |
2019 | M. Lakshmanna, A. S. R. Sarma, K.V. Hari Prasad and K. Viswanath | Influence of dates of sowing and varieties/ hybrids on incidence of insect pests of cotton in Scarce Rainfall Zone | Journal of Cotton Research and development | 34 21) Accepted for publication | 4.69 |
2019 | K. Anil Kumar, A.S.R. Sarma, T. Madhumati and V. Prasanna Kumari | In-vitro studies on physical and chemical compatibility of some insecticides and fungicides | Andhra Agricultural Journal | 66(2):390-398 | 4.14 |
2020 | Nagendra Babu, N., Sivanarayana, G., Gopikrishna, T., & Umadevi, K. | Impact of Village Adoption Programme (VAP) on Farmer’s Knowledge and Adoption with respect to crop production. | Green Farming | 11(2&3), 217-220. | 4.38 |
2020 | Nagendra Babu, N., Sivanarayana, G., Gopikrishna, T., & Umadevi, K. | A study on constraints faced by the farmers of Agricultural College of Adopted and Non-adopted villages in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. | The Andhra Agriculture Journal | 67(SPL.II), 97-104 | 3.61 |
2020 | Sarma, A.S.R., Manjunath, J., & Kamakshi, N. | Compatibility and bioefficacy studies of different agrochemicals in cotton. | Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies | 8(6), 1796-1799. | 5.53 |
2020 | Sarma, A.S.R., Lakshmi kalyani, D., Rama Reddy, Y. | Efficacy of novel insecticides and their combinations against leafhoppers and pink bollworm in cotton in Scarce rainfall zone of Andhra Pradesh | Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies | 8(6), 1868-1872. | 5.53 |
2021 | Sarma, A.S.R., Manjunath, J., & Kamakshi, N. | Seasonal dynamics of insect pests of cotton under high density planting systems (HDPS). | Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies | 9(1), 1040-1044. | 5.53 |
2021 | Sarma, A.S.R., Manjunath, J., & Kamakshi, N. | Bioefficacy studies of compatible combinations of different agrochemicals in cotton | Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies | 9(1), 1010-1015 | 5.53 |
2021 | Kamakshi, N., Pullaibai, P., Surekha Devi, V., Sharma, A.S.R., & Padmalatha, Y. | Seasonal incidence and estimation of yield losses due to insect pest in small millets at scarce rain fall zone of Andhra Pradesh | Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies | 9(2), 464-467. | 5.53 |
2021 | M. Lakshmanna*, A. Sitha Rama Sarma, K.V. Hariprasad and K. Viswanath | Cotton leafhopper (Amrasca spp) management with new insecticides | J. Cotton Res. Dev. | 35(1), 117-122 | 4.78 |
2021 | A. S. R. Sarma *, D. Lakshmi Kalyani and Y. Rama Reddy | Bioefficacy of novel insecticides and their combinations against Amrasca biguttula biguttula in cotton | J. Cotton Res. Dev | 35(2), 267-271 | 4.78 |
2021 | Dr. ASR Sarma, Dr. J Manjunath and Dr. N Kamakshi | Bioefficacy studies of compatible combinations of different agrochemicals in cotton | Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies | 9(1): 1010-1015 | ISSN No. 2349-6800 |
2021 | N Kamakshi, P Pullaibai, V Surekha Devi, ASR Sharma and Y Padmalatha | Seasonal incidence and estimation of yield losses due to insect pest in small millets at scarce rain fall zone of Andhra Pradesh | Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies | 9(2): 464-467 | ISSN No. 2349-6800 |
Participation in Polambadi and Polampilusthundi

Press clippings of Activities