Agricultural Research Station, Vijayrai
S.NoPhotoEmployee Details
  1Name           :Dr. K. Mohan Rao Designation :Principal Scientist& Head Department:Entomology Email-I.D: Phone No     :94933 04643 Area of Specialization:
2Name            :Dr.P.Venkata Ramana Rao Designation :Principal Scientist Department :Genetics &Plant Breeding Email-I.D     : Phone No      :9440441922 Area of Specialization: Molecular Breeding  


Agricultural Research Station, Vijayarai was established in January, 1984 in 65 acres of land in Pedavegi Mandal of West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh with the mandate of Horticultural Cops. Agricultural Research Station, Vijayarai is located 18.5KM from Eluru Railway Station and 4.5 KM from Vijayarai. In this station, All India Coordinated Research Project on Honeybees and Pollinators was initiated in 1987. Later after bifurcation of ANGR Agricultural University in 2014, the station was divided into ARS, Vijayarai with 15.0 acres and HRS, Vijayarai with 50.0 acres of land. Keeping the importance of Maize cultivation in Eluru surrounding areas, Maize Research Centre was established during November, 2017. At present in ARS, Vijayarai, two schemes viz., All India Coordinated Research Project on Honeybees and Pollinators and Maize Research Centre are working.



  • Field experiments were conducted to identify best sowing window for maize during Rabi. The results indicate that rabi maize sown during 1 st fortnight of November found be to optimum for less plant infestation of fall army worm and realizing higher yields.
  • Experiments on maize based cropping systems revealed that Maize- Maize+ cauliflower system (16283 kg/ha) followed by Maize- Maize+ black gram (16217 kg/ha), lowest maize equivalent yields were recorded with Fallow-Maize (8648 kg/ha). However, if you work out the net returns and BCR it was observed that highest net returns and BCR was recorded with Korra- Maize.

Plant Breeding

  • As a part of development of inbreds, five promising hybrids were studied in F2 generation. Selected 203 plants from five crosses randomly and selfed and promoted to F3 generation for evaluation during Rabi 2021-22. Evaluated 225 single plants pertaining to five crosses in Fgeneration and selected and selfed 56 plants and promoted to F4 generation for evaluation during Rabi 2021-22.
  • In development of single cross hybrids, studied 49 F1s (made using 7 CMS lines with 7 selected male parents) along with popular hybrid checks. In 49 F1 populations, selfing of 592 single plants was done and promoted to F2
  • In MLT-Maize, during Kharif 2020, 12 entries showed significant differences for cob yield and kernel yield. The entry DHM 117 (C) recorded highest kernel yield of 6544 Kg/ha followed by PDMH 19053 (6005Kg/ha) and P 3396 (5973Kg/ha). In Rabi 2020-21, Among 12 entries sown, two entries M4 and M6 were not germinated. Among ten entries, the entry M5 recorded highest kernel yield of 11031 Kg/ha followed by M3 (10583 Kg/ha) and M12 (10208 Kg/ha). During Kharif 2021, 16 entries replicated twice were evaluated at MRC, Vijayarai. All the entries showed significant differences for cob yield and kernel yield. The entry M5 recorded highest kernel yield of 6875 Kg/ha followed by M3 (6507Kg/ha), M6 (6403Kg/ha) and M2 (6281 Kg/ha). The overall mean of the trial is 5442Kg/ha
  • In CIMMYT trials, In VH3A202 the entry VH3A202-52 (6267 Kg/ha), in VH4A204 the entry VH4A204-22 (6413 Kg/ha) and in VH4B204 the entry VH4B204-16 (6800 Kg/ha) recorded highest kernel yields.
  • In Collection, cataloguing and utilization of diverse maize germplasm, characterization of all 101 germplasm lines, which were received from CIMMYT-India was done. Selfing and sibbing had done for maintenance and for further use in breeding programmes.
  • Entomology
  • Experiment on management of fall army worm by different insecticides in rabi, 2020-21 in maize revealed that novaluron 10 EC, Spinotoram 11.7SC , Chlorantraniliprole 20 SC and Novaluron + Emamectin Benzoate are found to be effective in controlling the fall army worm and realizing higher yields.
  • Studies on Evaluation of biorational insecticides against fall army worm of maize during Rabi, 2020-21 shows that percent infestation by fall army worm was lowest in Nomuraearileyi followed by Metarhizium anisopliae and Beaveriabassiana resulted in higher yields.
  • Experiment on evaluation of whorl application of insecticides against fall army worm of maize indicate that percent infestation by fall army worm was lowest in Chlorantraniliprole 4G followed by Poisinous bait with Thiodicarb. Highest percent reduction over control (%ROC) was noticed in Chlorantraniliprole 4G followed by Poisonous bait with Thiodicarb .
  • Studies on evaluation of different modules of IPM for control of Spodoptera frugiperda in Maize during rabi, 2020-21 indicate that lowest Percent plant infestation by fall army worm was noticed in Seed Treated with cyantranilliprole 19.8 + thiomethosxam 19.8 @ 6 ml followed by spraying of Neem oil 1500 ppm @ 5 ml at 20 -25 DAS, whorl application of Poison bait @ 50 kg/ha 35 DAS and spraying of novaluron @1.0ml/lit at 50 DAS.
  • Studies on Management of Fall Army Worm,Spodopterafrugiperda in Maize with Biocontrol agents during rabi, 2020-21 shows that Lowest Percent plant infestation by fall army worm was noticed in Seed Treated with cyantranilliprole 19.8 + thiomethosxam 19.8 @ 6 ml followed by releasing ofT. Preteosum @ 50,000/acre at 20 -25 DAS, and spraying of N. rileyi @ 5 g/l at 40, 50 and 60 DAS.
  • Screening of popular hybrids against Fall Army Worm, Spodoptera frugiperda in Maize during Kharif and Rabi, 2020-21 shows that no significant difference in percent plant infestation by fall army worm at 20, 30, 40 and 50 Days after sowing but yield was varied among the different hybrids tested.


  • Among the stingless bee hive boxes fabricated and evaluated, in 18x24x17 cm size hive highest brood rearing was recorded (1092 cm3)
  • Highest honey pots were recorded in 37x10x10 cm (446.25 cm ) bee hive box during March, 2021, followed by January, 2021 (384.00 cm3) in 18x24x17 cm bee hive box.
  • Highest pollen pots were recorded in 37x10x10 cm bee hive box during March, 2021,(446.25 cm3).
  • Highest incoming forages with nectar loads were recorded in 37x10x10 cm bee hive box at 1.00 pm (8.57/2 min) where as highest pollen loads during January, 2021,(5.14/2 min cm) in 32x12x12 cm bee hive box.
  • Results of sting less bee exploration studies revealed that, in Kusama valasa (village) of Visakhapatnam (Dt) tribals are rearing stingless bee colonies since many hundreds of years (circa 1500 years) in dried bottle gourds, log hives& pot hives and extracting honey from 0.5 kg to 2 kg on an average / annum depending up on the material / type of structure used and they are using honey for curing many ailments.
  • Nest architecture revealed that the nest entrance is made of resin, diameter ranged between 0.5cm- 1.00 pm and height from the ground ranged between 48- 456 cm. Number of guard bees were ranged between 4-7 in number.
  • Length of internal tunnel of nest ranged of 27-28 cm and diameter was 1-0.5 cm, resin dumps were 2-4 located towards rear side, with one advancing front in each nest.
  • In Chilakaluripeta, Guntur (Dt.) Bee keeper’s apiary ( A.cerana) the experiment was conducted, where from August –September, 2020, (Rainy season) pollen death is being noticed.
  • Before initiation of the experiment during August pollen stores, egg laying, brood development was measured. No stores of pollen, eggs & brood development was noticed.
  • After being feed with yeast (41.8 %) dehusked parched gram (4.2 %), skimmed milk powder (4.00 %) in 50% sugar syrup to A. cerana colonies (5 colonies ) substantial increase in egg laying (340 cm 3) was recorded during August &September month.
  • Honey stores were also recorded (60 cm 2average) along with stored pollen substitute in these colonies.
  • By supplying yeast(41.8 %), de husked parchedgram (4.2 %), skimmed milk powder (4.00 %) with 50% sugar syrup the beekeeper could prevent swarming and absconding of A. cerana colonies in his apiary during pollen death period ( August to September, 2020)
  • The experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Station, Vijayarai during rainy season with three types of pollen substitutes revealed that, bees did not consume the pollen substitute due to the availability of natural pollen in plenty from coconut, oil palm and other weed flora.
  • Out of three types of materials used for nest construction by different pollinators in pollinators pandal Saccharumsp, Ipomea sp. and castor(Ricinus communis) sticks, highest number of Megachili sp. Have ceuerncted nests in Saccharum sp. Sticks then in other two types of sticks. These Megachili visitor were more during noon time.
  • Highest per cent of nest construction in Saccharum sticks was recorded by Megachilisp February, 2021 (5.28 %) followed by January, 2021 (4.35 %).
  • The order of pollinators visited on different crops at ARS, Vijayarai was A.mellifera, A.cerena, Tetragonula, Andrina, Megachili, A. flerea and Xylocopa sp.
  1. Oil palm : Highest number were recorded by A.mellifera from October, 2020-February, 2021(15-9.00/2 min).
  2. Highest A. cerena were recorded during January, 2021,(2.78/2 min) at 1.00 pm in Brazil plant followed by, oil palm (2.35/2 min) at the same time during January.
  3. Brazil plant : Tetragonula was the dominant visitor to the feunes of Brazil plant at 1.00 pm (2.25/ 2 min)
  4. Highest number of flowers were also visited by Tetragonula in Brazil plant.


Plant Breeding

  • Generation, study, maintenance and evaluation of Maize inbred lines.
  • Development of single cross Maize hybrids suitable for Andhra Pradesh during Kharif and Rabi
  • Evaluation of different single cross Maize hybrids developed by ANGRAU for yield and its contributing characters- Multi location Trial of Maize (ANGRAU) during Kharif and Rabi.
  • Evaluation of single cross hybrids and inbreds developed by CIMMYT .
  • Collection, cataloguing and utilization of diverse Maize Germplasm for maintenance and to use in different breeding programmes (Kharif and Rabi) .
  • Evaluation of maize entries for fodder Yield – green fodder and dry fodder.


  • Effect of sowing dates on pest incidence in Maize.
  • Maize production riented survey (POS).
  • Screening of popular hybrids against Fall Army Worm, Spodoptera frugiperda in Maize.
  • Evaluation of Biorationals against Rugose whitefly ( Aleurodicusrugioperculatus Martin) in Maize.
  • Evaluation of insecticides as whorl application against Fall Army Worm, Spodoptera frugiperda in Maize.
  • Evaluation of insecticides as whorl application against fall army worm in Maize.


  • Identification of sustainable and profitable maize based cropping systems
  • Effect of dates of sowing and nitrogen levels on growth and yield of Kharif Maize in Godavari Zone of Andhra Pradesh .


  • Standardization of hives for sting-less bees rearing.
  • Standardization of rearing methodology for carpenter bees ( Xylocopa sp.)
  • Exploration studies for stingless bees in Andhra Pradesh .
  • Field evaluation of different Pollen substitutes .
  • Artificial domiciliation of Non-Apis Pollinators.
  • Fabrication and evaluation of reduced brood chamber and number of frames in bee hives of Apis mellifera.
  • Evaluation of pollen production potential of Apis cerana.
  • Evaluation of traps for wasp control in the apiary .
  • Evaluation and efficacy of bio acoustic / hoofer devises for management of green bee eater birds (Merops sp.) ..