Agricultural Research Station, Peddapuram

S.NoPhotoEmployee Details
  1Name            :Dr. M. Ramabhadra Raju Designation: Senior Scientist Department: Plant Pathology Email-I.D      : Phone No     : 9440880258 Area of Specialization:
2  Name             :Dr. I. Sudhir Kumar Designation   :SeniorScientist Department   :Plant Breeding Email-I.D: Phone No        :9959792568 Area of Specialization:
3Name           :Smt. V. Sujatha Designation :  Scientist Department :Agronomy Email-I.D      : Phone No     :9398196646 Area of Specialization:


Agricultural Research Station, Peddapuram was established in the year 1954 by then Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh with an objective to evolve varieties and technologies in millets and pulses suitable to Godavari zone. During the year 1965-66 the station was transferred to AP Agricultural University. The research station was located along Samalkot-Rajahmundry Road (5km from Samalkot railway station) and has total area of 6.94 ha (cultivable land of 4.67 ha and Roads and buildings: 2.27ha). The station has been serving as a regular center for research on maize under AICRP on maize and a voluntary center for finger millet research under AICRP on small millets. The mandate of the station is Research on Maize, Finger millet, Pulses (Blackgram, Greengram, Redgram) and Oil seeds (Groundnut & Sesamum).




  Genetic enhancement and development of inbred lines.
         a) Generation and study of inbred lines.
         b) Evaluation of inbred lines.

  Development of high yielding single cross hybrids of maize of medium to late duration.
          a)Development of single cross hybrids.
          b)Evaluation of single cross hybrids.
                  i.Initial hybrid trial (IHT).
                  ii.Advanced hybrid trial (AHT).

  Evaluation of experimental hybrids of maize (Coordinated trials)
         a)NIVT Medium.
         b)NIVT Late.
         c)AVT I Late.
         d)AVT II Late.
         e)AVT I Medium.
         f)AVT II Medium.
         g)Evaluation of QPM Hybrids.
         h)Evaluation of Sweet corn hybrids.
         i)Evaluation of Baby corn hybrids.

  Collection, cataloguing and utilization of inbred lines of maize.

  Multi Location Trial on Maize.


Evaluation of finger millet varieties under coordinated trials.
         a)Initial varietal Trial.
         b)Advanced varietal trial

  Evaluation of and identification of finger millet varieties with high yield and tolerance to blast and lodging.
         a)Study of breeding material.
         b)Observational yield trial.
         c)Preliminary yield trial.
         d)Advanced yield trial.

  Multi location Trial of finger millet.

  Evaluation of promising cultures of pulses and oil seeds under multi location testing.
         a)Multi location Trial of Groundnut.
         b)Multi Location trial on Blackgram.
         c)Multi location trial on Greengram.


AICRP on Maize

  • Performance of pre-release maize genotypes (AVT – II) under varying planting density and nutrient levels.
  • Weed management in maize systems.
  • Crop residue management in traditional and emerging maize systems.
  • Evaluation of drip irrigation and fertigation on growth, yield and economics of maize.

AICRP on Small millets

  • Response of pre-release cultures of finger millet to different levels of NPK under rainfed conditions.


AICRP on Maize

  • Screening of Maize Genotypes against Banded leaf and sheath blight of Maize in Coordinated Trials.
  • Maize Disease Trap Nursery.
  • Disease Survey and Surveillance in Different Maize Growing Areas of Andhra Pradesh.
  • ANGRAU-CIMMYT Collaboration Trials Disease Screening Of Maize Inbred Lines Under Artificially Created Epiphytotics In Peddapuram for Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight disease.

ANGRAU-NBPGR Collaboration Trials Disease Screening Of Maize Germplasm

  • Lines Under Artificially Created Epiphytotics In Peddapuram for Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight disease.
  • Screening of Maize Genotypes against Turcicum leaf blight of Maize in Coordinated Trials.
  • Evaluation of different Modules for the Management of Turcicum Leaf Blight of Maize.
  • Screening of Maize Inbreds against Major Diseases (Banded Leaf And Sheath Blight)of Maize in ARS Peddapuram.
  • Screening of Maize Hybrids(OYT) against Major Diseases (Banded Leaf And Sheath Blight)of Maize in ARS Peddapuram.
  • Screening of Maize Inbreds against Major Diseases (Turcicum Leaf Blight) of Maize in ARS Peddapuram.
  • Screening of Maize Inbreds against Major Diseases (Turcicum Leaf Blight) of Maize in ARS Peddapuram.


  • From QTL to variety-harnessing the benefits of QTLs for drought, flood and salt tolerance in mega rice varieties of India through a multi-institutional network2016Renu Singha, Yashi Singha, Suchit Xalaxob, S. Verulkarb, Neera Yadava, Shweta Singha, Nisha Singha, K.S.N. Prasadc, K. Kondayyac, P.V. Ramana Raoc, M. Girija Ranic, T. Anuradha,Y. Suraynarayanac, P.C. Sharmad, S.L. Krishnamurthyd, S.K. Sharmad, J.L. Dwivedie, A.K. Singhe, P.K. Singhf, Nilanjayg, N.K. Singhg, Rajesh Kumarg, S.K. Chetiah, T. Ahmadh, M. Raii, P. Perrajuj, Anita Pandek, D.N. Singhk, N.P. Mandall, J.N. Reddyl, O.N. Singhl, J.L. Kataral, B. Marandil, P. Swainl, R.K. Sarkarl, D.P. Singhl, T. Mohapatral, G. Padmawathim, T. Ramm, R.M. Kathiresann, K. Paramsivamo, S. Nadarajano, S. Thirumenio, M. Nagarajanp, A.K. Singhq, Prashant Vikramr, Arvind Kumarr, E. Septiningshihr, U.S. Singhr, A.M. Ismailr, D. Mackillr, Nagendra K. Singha PLANT SCIENCE242:278-287.
  • Genomics-assisted backcross breeding for infusing climate resilience in high-yielding green revolution varieties of rice.2019. Aditi, B., Pawan, J., Neera, Y., Renu. S., Yashi, S., Balwant, S., Nisha, S., Sangeeta, S., Amitha, S., Vandana, R., Satish Verulkar, S., Ramana Rao, P.V., Girija Rani, M., Anuradha, T., Satyanarayana, P.V., Krishnamurthy, S.L., Prabodh, S., Deepika, S., Singh, P. K., Nilanjay, Rajesh Kumar, Sanjay, Chetiah, Ahmad, T., Mayank, R., Jawahar, K., Marandi, B., Padmini, S., Sarkar, R.K., Singh, D.P., Reddy, J.N., Nimai, M., Paramsivam, K., Nadarajan, S., Thirumeni, S., Jyoti, B., Padmavathi, G., Ram, T and Nagendra K. Singh Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 79(1) Suppl. 160-170.
  • Sudhir Kumar I, Srinivasa Rao P, Reddy BVS, Ravindrababu V, Reddy KHP (2016) Heterosis and Inbreeding Depression in Tropical Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Crop Res. 2017, 51:1-4.

SudhirkumarInjeti, P. Venkataravana and M. R. Gururaja Rao (2008). Evaluation of new germplasm and advanced breeding lines of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under late kharif situation,Legume research31: 254-258.

I. Sudhirkumar, P. Venkataravana and N. Marappa (2010). Divergence of new germplasm and advanced breeding lines of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) studied under late Kharif situation,Legume research,33: 124-127.

I. Sudhir kumar, N Marappa and M Govindaraj (2010). Classification of new germplasm and advanced breeding lines of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) through principal component analysis, Legume research33(4): 242-248.

Bharat Chandra Parime, Kishore Varma Penumatsa, Sudhir Kumar Injeti and Karambir Singh Hooda. First report of pokkahboeng of maize [Zea mays L.] caused by Fusarium luffae in India. Indian Phytopathology. 2021.


The following are the varieties released from the station:

Name of the varieties/technologyYear of ReleaseSpecific Character /Remarks
Redgram (PDM-1)1971High yielding variety1
Greengram (PDM-1)1971High yielding variety
Blackgram (PDM-1)1971High yielding variety
Horsegram (PDM-1)1971High yielding variety
Godavari (PR 202)*1974High yield tolerant to blast, long duration, National check
Ratnagiri (PR 1044)1985Medium duration with rich in protein (14%).
Gowthami (PR 10-45)**2020Tolerant to lodging