1. | ![]() | Name :Dr. Ch. Appa Rao Designation :Scientist Department :Agricultural Engineering Email-I.D : Phone No : 8331934548 Area of Specialization: Soil and Water Conservation Engineering & Farm Mechanization Profile URL: |
Mechanization plays very important role in reducing the cost of cultivation. It is estimated that 38% cost of cultivation can be reduced, when we sue 90% mechanization in paddy cultivation. Though Rice crop is fully mechanized, there are many constraints in using the foreign made machinery and adopting them to our small farms. Agricultural Engineering department at RARS, Maruteru works on Design and development of different machinery in rice based cropping system of Godavari Zone like.,
- Design of tractor operated weeder with spraying attachment
- Development of walk behind motorized weeders for wet land rice
- Development of paddy turning attachment for power tiller
- Design and development of paddy grain loader.
- Drone for Spraying Operations
- Brush cutters
- Shredders