S No.PhotoEmployee Details
3.Name             :  Dr. S. Dayakar
Designation  : Principal Scientist
Department : Entomology
Email-I.D      :
Phone No      : 9440336752
Area of Specialization: Integrated Pest Management and Microbial management of insect pests of crops
4.Name             :  Dr. P. Radhika
Designation   : Principal Scientist
Department   : Entomology
Email-I.D       :
Phone No        : 9490540120
Area of Specialization: Integrated Pest Management
9.Name               : Dr. N. Srinivasa Rao
Designation    : Principal Scientist
Department    : Entomology
Email-I.D       :
Phone No        :8978778724
Area of Specialization:  Vertebrate pest management
13.Name              :Dr. A.D.V.S.L.P. Anand Kumar
Designation   :  Scientist
Department   :Entomology
Email-I.D         :
Phone No        :9849462013
Area of Specialization: Host plant resistance, insecticide evalution


            Department of Entomology at RARS, Maruteru is working mainly with the mandate of Identifying the source for inherent plant resistance to major insect pests of Rice, Monitoring of pests for their effective timely management, Forewarning the impending pest problems and suggest precautions, Monitoring of changing pest scenario in relation to ecological factors and Development of ecologically safe and environmentally sound pest management strategies in rice. The major location specific constraints in rice cultivation are Plant hoppers (BPH and WBPH), Yellow stem borer, leaf folder after booting and Gall midge in kharif and rabi. Apart from technical work the Entomologists are actively participating in diagnostic field visits, Production oriented surveys and other duties entrusted by the University from time to time.


  • A new resistant donor MTU IJ 206-7-4-1 (BM 71) against BPH was identified and developed at RARS, Maruteru.
  • Recommended spraying of ethiprole 40% + imidacloprid 40% (80 WG) @ 0.25 g/l, Dinotefuran 20 SG @ 0.5 g/l, Pymetrozine (50 WG) @ 0.6 g/l, sulfaxaflor 24 SC @ 0.75 ml/ and Triflumezopyrim 10 SC @ 0.48 ml/l against against BPH in rice.
  • Recommended spraying of Chlorantraniliprole 18. 5 SC @ 0.3 ml/l against yellow stem borer and leaf folder in rice.
  • Recommended spraying of acephate and cartap hydrochloride in combination with hexaconazole and propiconzole found effective against yellow stem borer, leaf folder and sheath blight in rice.
  • Recommended spraying of ethiprole 40%+ imidacloprid 40% (80 WG) and dinotefuran 20 SG in combination with validamycin and tebuconazole+ trifloxystrobin against brown planthopper and sheath blight in rice.
  • Demonstration of integrated pest management package of YSB through pheromone based monitoring @ three traps /acre or mass trapping @ 8 traps /acre for management of rice yellow stem borer has been demonstrated successfully in two villages in an area of 500 acres.
  • An IPM module with planthopper resistant variety, Vijetha (MTU 1001)/ Cotton dorasannalu (MTU 1010) + pheromone mass trapping against YSB and release of egg parasitoids against leaf folder and need based application of insecticides was suggested for the Krishna Godavari Zone which significantly reduced the pest incidence and found to be most economical.
  • The BPH egg parasitoidsGonatocerus and Anagrusoptabilis were recorded from rice ecosystem of Maruteru.
  • Found that L-cyhalothrin, profenophos, chlorpyriphos and triazophos can cause BPH resurgence.
  • The rice white fly, Bemisiaformosana Takahashi recorded from rice ecosystem of Godavari zone.


DBT Funded Project: Mainstreaming rice landraces diversity in varietal development through genome wide association studies”(A model for large-scale utilization of gene bank collection of rice).


Associated in development of Several BPH tolerant varieties viz., Vajram (MTU 5249), Deepti (MTU 4870), Nandi (MTU 5182), Krishnaveni (MTU 2077), Chaitanya (MTU 2067), Prathibha (MTU 5293), Vijetha (MTU 1001), Cotton Dora Sannalu (MTU 1010), Tolakari (MTU 1031), Godavari (MTU 1032), Indra (MTU 1061), Amara (MTU 1064), Pushyami (MTU 1075), Sri Druthi (MTU1121), Chandra (MTU1153), Tarangini (MTU1156), Bheema (MTU1140), Samvrudhi (MTU1155), Ksheera (MTU1172), Varam (MTU1190), Varsha (MTU1223), Sravani (MTU1239), Sujatha (MTU1210), Maruteru samba (MTU1224) and Maruteru mahsuri (MTU1262) were released so far.