1 | ![]() | Name : Dr. M.V. Krishnaji Designation : Principal Scientist Department : Agricultural Extension Education Email-I.D : mv.krishnaji@angrau.ac.in Phone No :9848141939 Area of Specialization: Mass communication Profile URL: https://angrau.irins.org/profile/302982 |
- Dr. M.V. Krishnaji working as Principal Scientist (Agricultural Extension Education) at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Meruteru since 2022. He joined in ANGRA on 03.01.2024 as Scientist (Transfer of Technology) at DAATT Centre, Kurnool worked for about 8 ½ years. There after he was transferred to KVK, Undi, West Godavri district and served the farming community for 10 ½ years as Subject Matter Specialist. He received Best Extension Worker Award – 2020 for outstanding contribution in the field of Agricultural Extension on the Occasion of 4th International Conference organized by Agricultural Technology Development Society (ATDS), Ghaziabad, U.P from 26th to 28th February – 2021. And also received Excellence in Extension Award 2020 for outstanding contribution in the field of Agricultural Extension on the Occasion of International Web Conference on Innovative and Current Advances in Agriculture & Allied Sciences (ICAAAS – 2021) organized by Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture & Technology (SSDAT), Meerut, U.P from 19th to 21th July, 2021.
- On farm testing and Front-line Demonstrations: Organized different on farm trails (OFTs) to identify location specific technologies like.
- Assessment of Mechanical transplanting in Paddy crop
- Assessment of liquid bio – fertilizers in paddy crop
- Assessment of Integrated Farming System (Paddy cum Fish culture)
- Assessment of chemical weedicides in Rice Fallow Black gram
- Assessment of double cropping in rain fed black soils
- Assessment of different varieties in Paddy crop – MTU 1172, MTU 1190,
MTU 1121, MTU 1140, MTU 1229, MTU 1224, MTU 1226, MTU 1184, MTU 1194, MTU 1210, MTU 1310, MTU 1321, MTU Rice 1273, MTU 1293, RP Bio 226, NDLR 8 etc.
- Assessment of different Ground nut varieties K – 1375, K -1271
- Assessment of different Bengal gram varieties – JG – 11, JAKI 9218, JG 130, N.BeG 3, N.BeG 28.
- Assessment of different Foxtail millet varieties – SiA 3088, SiA 2884
- Assessment of different Sunflower hybrids NDSH 18, APSH 66
- Assessment of different Maize hybrids – DHM 117, BH 40625
- Assessment of Ecological engineering method of Plant hopper management in Paddy
- Assessment of Trap barrier system of Rat control in Paddy crop.
- Assessment of BIPM in technology in Paddy crop
- Assessment of Low cost Solar fencing against Macaques
- Assessment Integrated Farming System for Wet Land ecosystem
- Organized different Front Line demonstrations (FLDs) in famers fields like,
- Drum seeding in Paddy
- SRI cultivation in Paddy
- Mechanical transplanting in Paddy
- Integrated Nutrient management in Paddy
- Integrated Crop management in Black gram under NFSM scheme
- Integrated Crop management in Green gram under NFSM scheme
- Integrated Crop management in Ground nut under NMOOP scheme
- Integrated Crop management in Sesamum under NMOOP scheme
- Integrated pest management for Pink boll worm in Cotton
- Brown plant hopper management in paddy
- Mass Communication :
- Published 65 popular articles in Telugu for the benefit of the farming community
- Published 13 research articles in NAAS rated journals.
- Delivered more than 100 TV programmes through channels like ETV – Annadatha and DD – Sapthagiri channels.
- Delivered more than 50 radio programmes through All India Radio, Vijayawada and Vishnu FM, Bhimavaram.
- Given more than 500 press notes on seasonal importance.
- Organized more than 50 live audio and video conferences in collaboration with Reliance Foundation and Byrraju Foundation for transfer of technology on different aspects.
- Seed Production :
- Worked as Farm Superintendent for 6 years from 2012 -13 to 2020 – 21 at KVK, Undi. And produced a total quantity of 2676.25 qt. of Paddy seed (Foundation & Breeder seed) and 42.0 qt of Redgram seed (Foundation) and contributed a total amount of Rs. Rs. 90,79,050 to Revolving Fund.
Year wise details of Seed production and Revolving Fund generation
S. No. | Crop and Variety | Class of Seed | Yield (Quintals) | Value (Rupees) |
2012 -13 | ||||
1. | Paddy – MTU 1001 | Foundation seed | 15.60 | 32,760.00 |
2. | Paddy – MTU 1010 | Foundation seed | 46.17 | 96,957.00 |
3. | Paddy – MTU 7029 | Foundation seed | 120.00 | 2,52,000.00 |
4. | Paddy – MTU 3626 | Foundation seed | 40.30 | 84,630.00 |
5. | Paddy – MTU 1064 | Foundation seed | 62.00 | 1,30,200.00 |
6. | Paddy – MTU 1061 | Foundation seed | 83.40 | 1,75,140.00 |
2013 – 14 | ||||
7. | Paddy – MTU 1010 | Foundation seed | 218.15 | 5,01,745.00 |
8. | Paddy – MTU 7029 | Foundation seed | 88.30 | 2,03,090.00 |
9. | Paddy – MTU 3626 | Foundation seed | 81.37 | 1,87,151.00 |
2014 -15 | ||||
10. | Paddy – MTU 7029 | Foundation seed | 76.10 | 3,40,860.00 |
11. | Paddy – MTU 3626 | Foundation seed | 35.00 | 91,000.00 |
12. | Paddy – MTU 1061 | Foundation seed | 44.30 | 1,15,180.00 |
13. | Paddy – MTU 1121 | Foundation seed | 6.32 | 16,432.00 |
14. | Paddy – MTU 1010 | Foundation seed | 132.10 | 3,43,460.00 |
2015 – 16 | ||||
Redgram – LRG 41 | Foundation seed | 42.0 | 4,62,000.00 | |
2018 -19 | ||||
15. | Paddy – MTU 1010 | Foundation seed | 303.30 | 11,07,000.00 |
2019 – 20 | ||||
21. | Paddy – MTU 1121 | Foundation seed | 243.87 | 8,53,545.00 |
22. | Paddy – MTU 1153 | Foundation seed | 59.70 | 2,08,950.00 |
25. | Paddy – MTU – 1121 | Breeder Seed | 200.70 | 7,62,660.00 |
26. | Paddy – MTU – 1001 | Breeder Seed | 122.40 | 4,65,120.00 |
27. | Paddy – MTU – 7029 | Breeder Seed | 74.10 | 2,81,580.00 |
28. | Paddy – IR – 64 | Breeder Seed | 28.20 | 1,07,160.00 |
2123.40 | Rs. 68,18,620 | |||
2020 – 21 | ||||
Kharif | ||||
Paddy – MTU – 7029 | Breeder Seed | 83.00 | 3,15,400 | |
Paddy – MTU – 1121 | Breeder Seed | 35.47 | 1,34,786 | |
Paddy – MTU – 1001 | Breeder Seed | 48.90 | 1,85,820 | |
Paddy – MTU – 3626 | Breeder Seed | 2.98 | 11,324 | |
Rabi | ||||
MTU – 1156 | Breeder Seed | 184.50 | 7,01,100 | |
MTU – 1001 | Breeder Seed | 110.70 | 4,20,660 | |
MTU – 1121 | Breeder Seed | 87.90 | 3,34,020 | |
MTU 3626 | Breeder Seed | 41.40 | 1,57,320 | |
Total | 2676.25 qt. | Rs. 90,79,050 |
- Training Programmes organised :
- Organized 196 one day training programmes to farmers on different aspects like INM, IPM, ICM, Low cost technologies, Climate resilient agriculture etc.
- Participated as resource person in 104 training programmes organized by Department of Agriculture, Horticulture, Banks, NGOs and Input agencies.
- Conducted 56 training programmes to Extension personnel on latest agricultural technologies.
- Regularly participated in Kisan Melas organized by different research stations and line departments and arranged exhibition stalls for display of latest agricultural technology.
- Conducted 463 diagnostic surveys in problematic fields and provided solutions to farmers through print and electronic media.
- Conducted 4 long duration trainings (More than 25 days duration) on subjects like “Organic Farming”, “Quality Seed Grower”, Beekeeper” at KVK, Undi sponsored by ASCI, New Delhi.
- Organized 7 medium duration (7 days) training programmes on different aspects like sponsored “Millet Production technology”, “Friends of Coconut”, “Water quality management in Fish ponds” etc. sponsored by ATMA, NFDB and SERP at KVK, Undi.
- Organized 4 open and distance learning certificate courses (ODLC) on “organic farming”, “Beekeeping” to farmers at KVK, Undi.
- Organized 4 “Master trainer’s training programmes” on Paddy and Maize production technologies at KVK, Undi.
- Data base development :
- Developed and maintained data base of around 4000 farmers through Annpurna Krishi Prasara Seva. The details includes Name, Fathers name, extent area, irrigation particulars, land type, cropping pattern etc.
- Maintained mandal wise month wise particulars of rain fall and cropped areas of Kurnool, West Godavari and Prakasam districts of Andhra Pradesh.
- Guidance to Students of B. Sc (Agriculture) :
- Guided 8 batches (175 students) from S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupathi at DAATTC, Kurnool under Rural Agricultural Work Experience Programme.
- Guided 4 batches (59 students) from Agricultural College, Bapatla, Rajahmundry and other private Agricultural colleges like Badwel, Etcherla, Ananthpur, Tadipatri at KVK, Undi under AELP and RAWEP Programme.
- Development and Maintenance of new ICT Initiatives :
- Registered 6000 farmers in Annapurna Krishi Prasara Seva – An Interactive Information Dissemination System at KVK, Undi and Darsi. And providing timely advises in the form of Text and Voice messages and answering farmers queries raised on different aspects.
- Developed personalized e – Kiosk at KVK, Undi and KVK, Darsi.
- Technology Spread :
- Evaluated and popularized mechanical transplantation at KVK, Undi– organized demonstrations on the working of the paddy transplanter in different villages. Nursery was developed at KVK farm and provided to the farmers. Farmers were continuously encouraged by organizing trainings and offering timely suggestions. Presently around 12,500 ha (5 %) of area is occupied with Mechanical transplanting in West Godavari district.
- Popularized flood tolerant varieties like MTU 1061, MTU 1064, MTU 1121 as an alternative to MTU 7029 through trainings and demonstrations. Presently these varieties occupying 39.73 % (90,046 ha) of Paddy area during Kharif in West Godavari district.
- Popularized low shattering fine grain varieties Viz., MTU 1121, MTU 1153 and MTU 1156 as an alternative to MTU 1010 through trainings and demonstrations. Presently 95.12 % (166662 ha) Paddy area in Rabi season is occupied with these varieties in West Godavari district.
- Popularized Integrated Farming System model (Paddy cum Fish culture) in West Godavari district. Presently 30 units were established in the district in convergence with ATMA, Eluru.
- Extension studies conducted :
- Comparative study on Bengal method and conventional methods of planting in Paddy crop in West Godavari district.
- Case let analysis of Zero Budget Natural farming in West Godavari district
- Economic analysis of Paddy crop in West Godavari district
- Training need assessment of farmers of KVK adopted villages in West Godavari district.
- Feedback study on Annapurna Krishi Prasara Seva implemented by KVK, Undi.
- Perception and adoption of Soil Health Cards (SHC) by the farmer in West Godavari district.
- Varietal preference of Growers, Millers and Consumers in Godavari zone.
- Constraint analysis of Aqua farmers of West Godavari district.
X. Handling of externally funded projects handled :
S. No | Title of the Project | Place | Period | Funding Agency | PI/Co-PI |
1 | National Initiatives on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) | KVK, Undi | 2017 – 18 to 2019 – 20 | ICAR | Co-PI |
2 | Cereal Systems Initiatives for South Asia (CSISA) | KVK, Undi | 2019 and Continuing | CSISA-CYMMIT | Co – PI |
3 | Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana | KVK, Undi | 2013 – 14 | RKVY | Co – PI |
As part of Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) project
- Conducted Production practices survey using ODK collect App and collected data from 210 farmers from 30 villages from 18 mandals of West Godavari district during 2019 – 20.
- Organised zinc demonstrations in 18 locations in West Godavari district in 2019-20 and 12 locations in 2020-21
- Innovative extension technologies/methodologies :
- Interactive Information Dissemination System (IIDS)/ Annapurna Krishi Prasara Seva (AKPS) – Expert on Agriculture at KVK, Undi and worked for dissemination of technologies through push messages and interaction with farmers.
- Virtual training programmes through Jio Meet and Zoom Apps.
- Established Village Agri Knowledge Centre at Matsyapuri village of Veeravasaram mandal.
- Organizing Farmer – Scientist interaction programmes through Jio – Chat App.
- Organizing live programmes through audio and video conferences.
M V Krishnaji, T Gopi Krishna. 2019. Construction of Knowledge Test to Measure the Gain in Knowledge of Farmers on Rice Production Technology. Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences. 7 (4) : 507 – 513.
V Ramesh, M V Krishnaji, N M Rao and N D Messiana. 2019. Demonstration of Integrated Crop Management Technology in Black gram through Cluster Front Line Demonstrations (CFLDs) in West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Current Micro Biology and Applied Sciences. 9 (10) :
M V Krishnaji, T G Krishna and N D Messiana. 2021. Effect of Farm Broadcast Programmes on Gain in Knowledge of Farmers on Rice Production Technology in Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Current Micro Biology and Applied Sciences. 10 (1) : 777 – 785.
M V Krishnaji, T G Krishna, N D Messiana and A S Rao. 2021. Relationship of Profile Characterstics of Televiewing Farmers with their Televiewing Behaviour. Frontiers in Crop Improvement. 9 (2) : 569 – 573.
M V Krishnaji, A S Rao, N D Messiana. 2022. Constraints faced by aquaculture farmers of West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. Frontiers in Crop Improvement. 10 (5) : 2435 – 2438.
M V Krishnaji, T G Krishna, A S Rao and N D Messiana. 2023. Importance of Writing Content Analysis of Farm Broadcast Programmes of Andhra Pradesh, India. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology. 41 (5) : 8 – 20.
M V Krishnaji, P B P Kumar, M A Vihari, K T Rao and K Lakshmana. 2023. A Study on Perception and Adoption of Soil Health Cards (SHCs) by the farmers in Coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh. Frontiers in Crop Improvement. 11 (2) : 999 – 1001. M V Krishnaji, T G Krishna. 2023. Relationship between Profile characteristics of Televiewing Farmers and Effectiveness of Farm Broadcast Programmes in Andhra Pradesh state of India. Asian Journal of Agricultural E